
Booking an Appointment

Before you make your appointment with the surgery, please make sure you are making an appointment to see the most appropriate person to assist you with your problem. REMEMBER you do not always have to see a GP.  Can the Practice Nurse assist you? Can you be advised by your local pharmacist? If you are unsure then please tell the Admin Team this and they will assist you.

Appointments can be made during office hours by:

  • Telephoning 552 4919 8am – 6pm 
  • We release our same day morning appointments at 8am
  • We release our same day afternoon appointments at 1:30pm
  • Register for Patient Facing where you can book your own appointment online ( ) (Ask our Admin Team for more info and consent forms)                                                   

You will be asked for your name, date of birth and a brief summary of what the problem is.

Non-urgent advice: Patient Notice

If you are unable to keep an appointment please tell reception in order that it can be cancelled. You can also cancel appointments via the website or through our text reminder service. This will free the slot for someone else to use.

Consultations are available by appointment over the course of the day with a range of medical practitioners. Please note that we do not have an “open surgery”. On certain days in the week we provide early morning appointments (from 7:30am) If you would like one of these appointments then please speak to our Admin Team for further information. Please remember to report to check in for your appointment on our self check in terminal before you take a seat in the waiting room If you are seeing our Practice Nurse or Phlebotomist then please check in and take a seat in the waiting room at the rear of the building.

Health Visitors

Telephone: 0131 286 5225


Telephone: 536 2009 for hospital booking appointments.
Telephone: 536 6450 for review appointments.

Home Visits

Please call surgery before 10:00 if possible
Homes Visits are specifically for patients who are housebound or those who are medically unwell and unable to travel to the surgery.
The reception staff will ask you for some details to help the doctors prioritise the calls.
Please indicate if you or the person you are phoning about needs to see the doctor urgently.
If, after requesting a visit, your condition deteriorates, please phone again and inform the receptionist.

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

Please be aware that we are not able to carry out home visits outwith our practice catchment area.